Complex Trauma Training

Lead from the heart, build a trauma informed business or work environment,
and support your teams and loved ones like never before.

Complex Trauma Training

Complex Trauma Training is a 12 week training for a self-investment of $2000.


Payment plans are available.


Schedule your free Empowerment Session to learn how Complex Trauma Training can support your life and career, no matter your industry. 

In your many different types of relationships, you’re often left wondering…

  • Why do people such as co-workers, employees, friends, or even yourself slack off, communicate with attitude or clash with each other?
  • Why do students struggle with their lessons or seem blasé about their own future?
  • Why do patients seemingly ignore all you tell them to the detriment of their own health and livelihood?
  • How to raise happy, healthy kids that don’t have the above struggles? 

Feeling familiar?

Some people seem to have it all figured out.

Like magic, they just know how to connect with others in ways that instill trust and respect. In their presence, others seem to just be better versions of themselves. Some people are just born that way. It’s not a skill that can be learned…. Or is it?
And besides, you don’t have trauma. And unless you’re a therapist, you don’t work with people who do.
Meanwhile, you’re running ragged with meetings and clients and patients and students and kids and running errands and cooking dinner and keeping up on the house and volunteering and and and….

Your head is spinning, your body is aching and you’re at your wits end just trying to hold it all together and stay just healthy enough to go another day.

Sometimes you wonder if there might just be a training for all of this.  A training on how to do ‘life’.

And with that thought, you cringe. God, no, not another freaking online training.

When would you do it? You already don’t have time to sleep, feed yourself and get all the things done.

This Training is Different. 

This is one of the few online trainings you can’t afford not to take.

Not only will you learn exactly why co-workers, employees, friends, or even yourself slack off, communicate with attitude or clash with each other.

And why students struggle with their lessons or seem blasé about their own future.

And why patients seemingly ignore all you tell them to the detriment of their own health and livelihood.

And how to raise happy, healthy kids that don’t have the above struggles.

You will also learn why you struggle to do all the things.  You’ll understand why you feel overwhelmed, like there’s not enough time and why you feel your on the verge of falling apart at the seams.

You’ll learn why you do what you do and how to do it all differently.

You’ll learn how to interpret your and others behaviors and words, what the core driving factors of every person are, how to communicate, how to be seen, heard and valued and how to meet others so that they too feel seen, heard and valued.

This training will change your life!

  • In 12 short weeks you will understand what makes people do the things they do
  • This accredited training positions you at the forefront of understanding human behavior, including your own, so that you may live and lead with a grounded confidence as your authentic self.
  • You will learn from trauma professionals who will support you throughout your training and beyond in ways that will leave you feeling seen, heard and valued and able to live and lead in empowered, authentic ways.
  • In a strategically counter-shaming format, not only will you be seen, understood and supported as challenges arise but you will begin to better understand and know how to work through those challenges without shame, guilt or shoulding all over yourself
  • With lifetime access to course content, you can have refreshers when and where you need it.
  • Using yourself as a case study, you will learn who you are, what makes you tick, how to identify your nature vs nurture and how to move more into your authentic self with confidence so that you can live the life of your dreams

Ready to get started?  Schedule a free Empowerment Session to inquire about dates, learn how this training will impact your life, relationships and career and to get all your questions answered.

What will you learn in this course?

  • What the definition of trauma is (it’s not what you may think!)
  • How trauma impacts each of us daily
  • What trauma in the workplace looks like
  • How trauma may be impeding your business or career
  • How you may be leading from a place of trauma without realizing it
  • How trauma impacts our biology, including its role in brain development and chronic illnesses
  • How trauma impacts our emotions, including how we interpret and process our own and other’s 
  • The psychological aftereffects of trauma
  • The impacts on our relationships – personally and professionally 
  • How trauma is embedded in families and cultures and what that means for each of us
  • A detailed framework for how people experience trauma and healing
  • Attachment styles in children and adults and what that means for our relationships
  • Healthy Shame and Toxic Shame
  • Understanding trauma responses
  • Destigmatizing trauma responses and mental health care 
  • Understanding the multi-dimensionality of trauma, including as it pertains to gender, race, socioeconomics, etc.  
  • How to safely meet people where they are
  • How to remain grounded, centered and anchored
  • How to lead in a trauma informed way

    And so much more!

Who is this training for?

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Educators
  • Community leaders
  • Government leaders
  • Medical providers
  • Therapists/Counselors
  • Coaches

This training is for you if you are ready to do things differently. 

If you are ready to level up your business or career and support those you lead in doing the same.

Course Curriculum

Module 1: The Certified Trauma Specialist as a Career

  • Introduction to Trauma
  • The Code of Ethics, Guiding Principles, and Overall goals of the International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaching
  • Syllabus

Module 2: Understanding Trauma Specialist as a Career

  • What trauma is, the definition, it’s subtypes and classifications, including moral injury
  • Intro to survival strategies
  • The Parish Trauma Response Model (a detailed framework for how people experience trauma and healing)
  • Experience and Impact of childhood trauma
  • Trauma, Attachment, and Childhood Psychosocial Development

Module 3: Biology & Trauma

  • Biological Impacts of Trauma on the brain, including its role in brain development
  • The psychological aftereffects of trauma: Understanding the survival strategies /coping mechanisms /responses of trauma
  • Introduction into Polyvagal Theory: the Autonomic Nervous System and Somatic Trauma Responses including Fear and Shame Adaptation
  • Biological impacts of trauma on the body as a system
  • Epigenetics

Module 4: Psychological Aftereffects of Trauma

  • Common psychological diagnoses
  • Common misdiagnoses among survivors
  • Introduction to psychotropic medication

Module 5: Emotional Aftereffects of Trauma

  • Emotions vs. Feelings – How trauma impacts our emotions, including how we interpret and process our own and the emotions of other’s
  • The impact trauma has on emotional development
  • Co-regulation, emotional regulation, and dysregulation,
  • Emotional Intelligence and Literacy
  • Survival strategies – more insight

Module 6: Relational Aftereffects of Trauma

  • Statistics
  • Social Engagement and the regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System
  • Unhealthy relationship patterns learned during trauma
  • Self-Abandonment, the Intrapersonal Bridge and Interpersonal Bridge
  • How to lead in a trauma informed way
  • Survival strategies – A deeper understanding

Module 7: Multi-Focal Aftereffects of Trauma

  • Understanding Shame (Healthy and Toxic)
  • The Shame Response System
  • Understanding trauma responses of internal parts, autonomic nervous system survival states, and shame responses
  • De-pathologizing Coping Strategies
  • Survival strategies – further clarification

Module 8: Intergenerational Trauma

  • Understanding the multi-dimensionality of trauma
  • How trauma is embedded in families and cultures and what that means for each of us
  • Intergenerational Trauma and Genograms – a tool for understanding

Module 9: Understanding the Multi-Dimensionality of Trauma Survivors

  • Developing the capacity to understand trauma in the context of social, gender, racial, ethnic and historical frameworks
  • Implicit Bias, Perception, and Privilege

Module 10: Working with Trauma Survivors

  • How to work with trauma survivors safely
  • Developing the capacity to remain grounded, centered and anchored in your work with trauma survivors
  • The Social Engagement System – Trauma, attachment styles in children and adults and what that means for our relationships, our psychosocial development
  • Relationship Rupture and Repair

Schedule to get all your questions answered and be added to the wait list!

Classes meet weekly for 12 weeks. Each class is 90 minutes

WHEN: January 29th – April 16, 2025, Wednesday’s at 12 – 1:30 pm EST

WHERE: Weekly on Zoom

COST: $2000, payable in full or monthly over two months. Included in the cost is the 12-week course, questions and answer time, discussion, along with connection, and access to a community platform, which is an incredible resource.

Classes are limited to 30 students each.

At the completion of this course you will be a Certified Trauma Specialist.

If you are interested in creating a trauma informed business, effectively and impactfully leading your teams, building strong and healthy relationships, or raising empowered children, then the Complex Trauma Training is your first step.

How Will This Course Change Your Life?

  • With new awareness about self and others, you gain access to compassion, curiosity, and courage.  You will know how to meet others (and yourself) where they are and support them in better resourcing.
  • You will find freedom, learning how to recognize and meet your needs in healthy ways that support your highest self so that you can show up for yourself, and your family and focus on life goals that are important to you.
  • Human behavior will be demystified and you will no longer see yourself and others as broken but will have an understanding of why we do the things we do and how to work with human nature rather than fighting against it.
  • This sets you up to create workplace environments, classes, patient support, etc., that will help those you serve, to thrive.  Understanding trauma helps you know how to hire, manage, train and support team members and others which leads to a higher bottom line and a higher success rate for all involved.
  • In short, you will learn how to create a balanced life in which you thrive, feel excited to wake up to each day, build loving and lasting relationships, and design and enhance your career, family, and life that is beyond your wildest dreams!

As a reconnected, intuitive person with trauma training, you will have awareness, skills and tools to support yourself and those around you in loving, safe and trauma informed ways.

This training is for anyone seeking to be a whole, healed, happy human.


It is for those who want to leave a positive and uplifting impact on all they meet.


We are born as perfect, wise little beings, full of love and knowing exactly who we are, how to be, and how to communicate. Mother culture and many of our families condition us to deny who we are, doubt our own brilliance, and navigate the world in pain, fear, and often from a scarcity mindset.


It is time to reconnect with who you are, understand even the most troubling human behavior and know how to support your teams and loved ones like never before.


Are you ready to lead from the heart?

Book Your Free Empowerment Session

This is a free session with me to clarify your next steps and discover your path for becoming empowered.