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Mind-Body-Spirit Approach to Wellness: A New Paradigm

Mind-Body-Spirit Approach to Wellness_ A New Paradigm - trauma recovery

Mind-Body-Spirit—A Holistic Approach to Wellness 

In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of mind-body-spirit alignment is gaining momentum as people seek a comprehensive approach to improving their overall well-being.  However, in their rush through their day, few dig beneath the surface, contending merely with checking boxes.  Therapy session, mind – check.  Hit the gym, body – check.  Meditation, spirit – check.  I propose a perspective shift that goes beyond traditional methods of health and wellness, and cuts to the heart of the interconnectedness of our mental, physical, and spiritual selves. This new paradigm emphasizes the importance of nurturing all aspects of our being at the smallest level to achieve optimal health and happiness.

By taking a proactive approach to caring for all aspects of our selves, we can unlock a whole new level of vitality and fulfillment. This means listening to our intuition, honoring our bodies by choosing to receive the messages it sends and tending to its deeper needs beyond nutrition and movement, and cultivating a sense of inner peace and harmony. By recognizing and addressing the connection between our thoughts, actions, and emotions, we can create more balance, empowering us to create the life we’ve only dreamed of. 

A New Paradigm Beyond Yoga, Therapy and Meditation 

Energy is everything.  Everything.  Your body, your thoughts, your emotions – are all energy.  Visualize an ocean with individual currents running through it and you start to get the idea.  Just as a particle of water in the ocean can easily filter into a current running through it, so too do your thoughts, emotions, and physical self co-mingle, not only with each other but with all of existence.

Our interconnection of Self plays a vital role in our overall well-being and an energetic perspective can greatly impact our health.  As important and powerful as traditional approaches are, practices like meditation, therapy, exercise and nutrition are merely the starting point. Taking care of our all of us is less about finding a solution to the blocks that are holding us back and more about recognizing those blocks as messages that are guiding us home to Self. Reconnecting with Self helps us to instantly relax and release negative energy which in turn supports us as we manifest a life of wellbeing and ease.

The Deeper Mind-Body-Spirit Connection 

While we may not be entirely free of pain and stress, we will know how to work with the pain rather than against it, how to mitigate and even avoid it more easily. Perhaps more importantly, we’ll know an internal peace and contentedness that pain and stress cannot shake. Understanding what true connection really means and how it affects your well-being can empower us to take control of our health in more meaningful ways and live a life more fulfilling that we thought possible.

Diving deeper to explore the energy that makes us who we are leads us home.  We are born as perfect, wise little beings knowing exactly who we are.  Family, culture, institutionalized racism, sexism and trauma responses disconnect us from that Truth.  What happens when we start to reconnect with our Self, with the Truth of who we are?

Benefits of an Energetic Perspective

When it comes to embracing an energetic perspective, the benefits are truly limitless. Through integrating various aspects of your well-being, you can tap into a wellspring of energy that connects every thought and emotion. This leads to increased confidence, greater clarity, and a deep understanding of who you truly are. By nurturing each aspect of self you develop a stronger intuition and increased sixth senses that allow you to see the world with a big picture perspective. With a sense of compassion and patience, you unleash your creativity and curiosity, bolstering your confidence and courage to face challenges with calm and persistence. Through this interconnectedness, you cultivate a greater presence and playfulness, enabling healing and deep transformation.

[For a deeper understanding of Self, check out my article: Walking the Line Between Story and Self: Living a Life of Self-Leadership ]

Practices for the Mind-Body-Spirit

As all are one, these three aspects of who we are cannot be dissected.  When we engage in contemplative practices that integrate the mind, body, and spirit, we are honoring the interconnectedness of our being.  To truly know ourselves, we can follow a stepping stone process that will support us in creating capacity.

  1. Ground.  While there are many ways to do this, spending time in nature allows us to reconnect with the earth, grounding us and reminding us of our place in the universe and in our own body.
  2. Embody and connect.  Things like yoga and Tai Chi as a spiritual practice, not just a physical exercise, eases us into a sense of flow, aligning us with our Truth, can connecting with balance and harmony within.
  3. Self-reflection.  Self-reflection allows us to delve deep into our inner world, discovering the subtle nuances that make us whole.

Once we are grounded, embodied and in a self-reflective space, the deeper practice can begin.  Whether through journaling or engaging in a back and forth, internal conversation with our thoughts, emotions, and body, we can seek to understand ourselves on a deeper level, meeting every part of ourselves with curiosity and compassion.

Creating a Healthy Routine that Integrates Into Everyday Life

Commitment and investment in healing yourself is one of the greatest acts of self-love you can give. By choosing balance in your daily routine, you are prioritizing your well-being. This means setting healthy boundaries in every aspect of your life, from work to relationships. It also involves doing your inner work and being self-reflective in every area of your life. Integrating a holistic wellness routine into your everyday life takes effort, and the rewards are immeasurable. It’s about showing up for yourself every day, to your own growth and healing journey. Take the time to care for your mind, body, and spirit, and watch as your life transforms in ways you never thought possible.

Embracing Healing as a Lifestyle 

Unlock your fullest potential, living a truly balanced and harmonious life by broadening into an energy perspective and incorporating contemplative practices. Healing that treats the whole person, addresses the underlying issues that may be causing imbalance and dis-ease in your life rather than focusing on symptom suppression. It empowers you to take control of your own well-being and make choices that support your overall health and happiness. So, why wait? Start today by setting aside time for self-care, establishing a new routine that supports YOU on every level. Embrace holistic healing as a lifestyle, and watch as your life transforms into one you are exuberant to wake up to each day.


With much love and many blessings,



I help health and wellness providers, entrepreneurs and other free spirits communicate effectively, become Self-led leaders and grow thriving businesses while navigating trauma recovery and spiritual awakening.

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Amy Lloyd

Amy supports emerging individuals in designing and mastering their dream life as Self-led souls on heart-led missions. As a Holistic Life, Career and Executive Coach, a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach and an Accredited Trauma Instructor, Amy supports ambitious lovers of life, entrepreneurs and other big dreamers in living more authentic and meaningful lives by safely navigating the unforeseen obstacles of self-discovery.