Tag: Healing Trauma

  • Be All You Can Be

    Be All You Can Be

    No, I’m not suggesting you join the Army.  But I do love their slogan.  (And Nike’s, but that’s for another day.)  What does it mean to be all you can […]

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  • Healed


    We’ve been talking about lots of heavy stuff the past few days and I think it’s time to lighten the mood.  I’d like to home in on what it looks […]

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  • What comes first, the Inner Child or the Inner Adult?

    What comes first, the Inner Child or the Inner Adult?

    Well, ideally the child is father to the man, or so William Wordsworth poetically claimed.  But what happens when our lives missed the ideal trajectory?  It only makes sense, does […]

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  • Relaxation Induced Anxiety

    Relaxation Induced Anxiety

    What a cruel cosmic joke!  You’re struggling, drowning in anxiety.  Desperate for relief, you follow the advice of the sages and attempt meditation, only to fly off the handle in […]

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  • Somatization


    In my mid 20’s, I began having uncomfortable digestive issues and inexplicable fatigue.  After eating, even a small amount, my abdomen would swell to the point of having to unbutton […]

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  • Triggered by a Pen

    Triggered by a Pen

    Before I had a full grasp on the scope of my situation, [READ: I didn’t know I had been an abused and neglected child.  I only knew my Mom had […]

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  • When the Voices In Your Head Escape

    When the Voices In Your Head Escape

    Do your thoughts sometimes echo eerily like Mom or Dad?  But in the worst possible way?  Do they tell you how you’re wrong, broken, and just need to be like […]

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  • Life is Swell

    Life is Swell

    Close your eyes and image you’re in the ocean, just past the breakers.  As you stand there, you feel the swells lift you up, pass around you and set you […]

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